Financial well-being - Part 3
Your Actual Financial Health: Things you can do to develop healthier financial habits.

Do you need to learn basic money management skills?
Your situation is not desperate and you may feel that you will benefit from learning the basic steps to success and from taking concrete actions. Find the right information that will be helpful to you. Here are some suggestions to start with:
- Credit Counselling and/or Financial Advisors
- Finding a finance planning advisor
- Work toward getting out of dept
- Budgeting as a means to keeping your finances in order
Do you need to increase your income?
- Find and do what you are good at; follow your bliss; be passionate about it and have fun. You have a much higher chance of success when you are passionate about what you do.

I want to further explore that aspect: see the following pages for further
- Develop a clear vision of what you want, dream big, visualize, and nurture your vision
- Believe in yourself; identify and knock down your negative and self-limiting internal dialogue; explore and know yourself; use visualization and affirmations.

I want to learn more:
What is you current situation?
- Are you managing relatively well or do you actually have a serious financial problem?
- Do you need to develop healthier financial habits?
- Do you need to increase your actual personal financial knowledge and skills?
- Do you need to increase your income?
- Do you need to have more financial freedom and time freedom?
Develop healthy basic money management skills and healthier financial habits.
Are you going through a financial emergency? Is your debt out of control? Here are some reputable resources you may find helpful:
Is your level of stress too high and difficult to manage; do you feel that you cannot cope anymore?
Seek help:
How much help do you need? What kind of help do you need?
- Self-help; do you need to learn new skills or develop a new vision of life? There is no lack of resources available; click here for some suggestions.
- Friends and family; this is your support network: they can offer psychological support and help in various ways.
- Credit Counselling and/or Financial Advisors
- Mental Health Professional; if you feel isolated, if your level of stress is too high, if you think you may have symptoms of depression or if you simply have problems coping, you should probably consult a health care professional.
Some of the techniques shown in “Mental Well-being” may become very powerful tools when you get better at mastering them. Click here to review this important chapter.
If, however, your level of stress is too high, if you have problems coping or if you think you may be showing signs or symptoms of depression, please consult your health care professional or a mental health professional. Click here for some resources.
Read our pages on "Mental well-being", especially the section on internal dialogue, visualization and affirmations
Click here for selected helpful and inspiring readings.
- Develop and nurture the relationships that are good for you.
- Build your dream team. Identify friends or professionals who will truly share your vision and who will help you achieve your goals.
- Your dream team will constitute your first-degree connection to the “Human Web”, also referred to as “Six degrees of separation”. This concept states that “everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, ‘a friend of a friend’ statements can be made to connect any two people in six steps or fewer”.
Other very interesting readings on this subject include:
- Develop your vision, polish it, nurture it, and review it every day.
- Establish your long-term goals and break them down into smaller goals that are much easier to achieve.
- Your goals must be as specific and as clear as possible, and they should also have reasonable timeframes.
A coach can help you in various ways. He/she will help you clarify and prioritize your goals, will guide you through difficulties, will help you overcome your fears, will keep you focused, will show you your false conceptions and negative attitudes, will help you keep a good work-life balance, will provide you with invaluable advice and so much more insightful guidance. Most successful people will tell you that they have had one or several coaches and mentors, and that those have played a crucial role in their development and success.
There are many types of coaches: personal trainers, life coaches, business coaches, mentors, etc. Some focus on the “big picture” *(life coach, business coach); others can be very specialized (e.g., IT, marketing, real estate, etc.).
Interested in learning more about coaching and mentoring? Please click here.
Make yourself a priority.
- Try to find a job that is meaningful and in harmony with who you are.
- Find your talent and your way of expressing it. Each person has talents and a unique way of expressing them. Find what it is for you and work with it. A job that is meaningful to you and in harmony with who you are, or that you are passionate about becomes easy and leads to success much more easily.
- Develop multiple streams of income. If one does not produce as much as expected, you can rely on other means.
You want to learn more about developing multiple streams of income? Click here for further references and readings.
I want to learn more about building my dream team: click here for more reading suggestions.
I want to learn more about the psychology of success and goals setting: click here.
- Develop other streams of income
- Commit yourself and learn how to set and achieve your goals
- It is also said that one's wealth and income average the wealth and income of their five closest social relationships.