Transforming bad habits such as smoking and drinking into healthier habits
The deleterious effects of smoking on one’s health and life are numerous and well known. Quitting smoking is definitely one of the best decisions you can make… and do not think it is too late; it's never too late. Some of the benefits of quitting smoking will happen within the very first hours. For instance, it has been demonstrated that only one cigarette causes your arteries to contract for a period that may be as long as 8 hours; the beneficial effect on your arteries of quitting smoking is, therefore, almost immediate and your risks for heart attack, stroke or peripheral artery disease start decreasing after just a very few days. In addition, tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals among which, over 60 are known to cause cancer. When you stop smoking, the accumulation of toxins ceases immediately and your body starts detoxifying itself and getting rid of those poisonous substances.
With proper support, you will be able to stop smoking for good!
I want to learn more:
The following selected resources, tools and readings will provide you with invaluable advice and support:
Elements of a balanced lifestyle
Physical well-being
- Transforming bad habits such as smoking and drinking into better habits
There is a way out. You can walk away. If you're ready to get your freedom and health back, this is the place to start!
- In the US, for support in quitting, including free coaching, a free quit plan, free educational materials, and referrals to local resources, call:

1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
Other government and non-government resources
Other recommended readings
Selected Books (click on the title for more details on each book)

by Allen Carr

by Deepak Chopra
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