by Walter Pierpaoli
Product Description
From two of the world's leading medical researchers comes a book that tells readers about a way to slow the hands of time and enjoy a longer, healthier, more vigorous life--starting today. The authors explain how the hormone melatonin, produced in the pineal gland--the body's timekeeper--works, how to make use of it, and what kinds of results to expect.
From the Publisher
The discovery of our body's aging clock and melatonin's role as its regulator is a revolutionary medical breakthrough-- one that can give you the power to reverse the effects of aging and lead a longer, healthier life. Written by two key scientists at the forefront of this groundbreaking research. The Melatonin Miracle is the first book to reveal these remarkable findings to the public. Here the experts explain clearly and simply what you should know about the natural hormone that everybody has-- and everybody wants to know more about. Find out how melatonin works, and how to use it, and what to expect when you begin to reset your aging clock. Research suggests that melatonin can: guarantee a good night's sleep as a natural, nonaddictive sleeping agent; overcome jet lag; boost the immune system; increase resistance to cancer and other diseases; lower cholesterol; prolong sexual vitality; ease stress, and more. Melatonin is readily available as a supplement in heath food stores. Discover how easy it is to restore your youthful levels of melatonin--and not just look younger, but grow younger. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.
About the Author
Walter Pierpaoli Walter Pierpaoli, M.D., Ph.D. is an internationally renowned researcher developing his own ideas in apparently disparate medical disciplines such as the neuroendocrinology of aging and transplantation immunology. He is Head of Laboratory Research at the Biancalana-Masera Foundation for the Aged in Ancona, Italy, and is the organizer of the Stromboli Conferences on Aging and Cancer (1987, 1990, and 1993). Formal reports of his work on melatonin have been published in such leading scientific journals as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science and The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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